3 Steps Guide --> towards buying your first instrument
Step 1 Budget, Budget and Budget How much can you afford? How much do you want to spend? What is an estimated price for the instrument...
What not to say to a teacher?
1. You are so lucky. Weekends, Half-Terms, Christmas Holidays, Summer Holidays. I wonder why do you even get paid. Please don't....

Thoughts from abroad
What does music mean to you? For me music is mostly escape from the outside world. I can collect my thoughts and re-live my favourite...

The Story Behind the Carrot and the Stick
Carrot and the Stick theory is probably one of the most recognisible in general public and also used very frequently in schools, at home...

Q&A Competitions, yes or no?
Hi there, I am a mother of an eight year old, who is currently learning the piano. His teacher is very keen in entering him at some local...

Inside Out - The Nerves
Today is the day. If I perform well today my life will be perfect. I just need to get this one audition. One exam. One important concert....

Music Therapy Tuesday - Insights into the life with dementia, Part 1
As a part of Music Therapy Tuesday we are presenting different views on common illnesses of 21st century and how the music could help. We...

Zither, folk music mistery
Today we are presenting Tanja Loncar, an amazing Slovenian musician mixing folk and pop music and enterteining the audience with one of...

DIY Practice Chart
Why? Keeping you on track with your practice or helping you supervise the practice your children do. How much? 3£ to buy supplies, with...

Q&A - Why are music lessons so expensive?
Hi, I came across your website and I like that all the content is free and available but my general question would be why are music...